
Fishing in the Suisse Normande to Le Houlme

With miles and miles of rivers and streams, a lake, a dam and ponds, there’s plenty of fun to be had teasing fish between the Suisse Normande and Le Houlme! In 1st or 2nd category, whatever your level, you’ll find the spot to suit you, whether you’re a keen or an occasional angler or a beginner.

What if fishing was synonymous with well-being?

It’s a great way to relieve stress, relax, enjoy the moment, learn to be patient, get closer to nature, enjoy the scenery around you and the best that nature has to offer. Fishing is also an opportunity to share good times with friends and family, or to get away from it all on your own!
Day fishing, fly fishing, bait fishing, minnow fishing, lure fishing, no-kill fishing… You’re sure to find the style that’s right for you!

From now on, you can obtain your fishing licence from the Tourist Information Offices in Flers and La Ferté-Macé and online at

Where to fish?

You can fish on all the rivers in our area but you must adhere to the regulations in force in each sector (some areas are prohibited).
Find out more about the regulations and where to buy your tickets.

You can obtain your river and pond fishing cards from various outlets, including the Tourist Information Offices in Flers and La Ferté-Macé

There are 5 approved fishing associations in our area

La Flérienne

Président : Gilles PETIT
 06 06 49 74 17 / 02 33 96 78 65


Décathlon – ZA des Grands Champs 61100 Flers   02 33 62 82 20
Flers Tourist Office – 4 place Vayssières 61100 Flers   02 33 65 06 75
Maison du Paysage – Moulin de Bréel 61100 Bréel   02 33 62 34 65
Maison de la presse – place Saint-Vigor 61430 Athis Val de Rouvre  02 33 64 22 09

La Gaule Briouzaine

President : Michel GENTIL
  06 07 29 47 43 / 02 33 66 04 57


Bar/Tabac « Le Centre » – 1 rue du Docteur Petit 61220 Briouze 02 33 66 02 72
Le Brazza 22 rue Dr Petit 61220 Briouze 02 50 75 73 68


President : Joseph LETOURNEUR
   06 50 52 75 38 / 02 33 37 28 81


Joseph LETOURNEUR – le bourg 61410 Antoigny  06 50 52 75 38
Caroline BOUVIER – La Bigne 61410 Antoigny  06 66 23 27 72

Gîte de pêche
 – M. et Mme Bouvier – Gîte La Chanterie 61140 Antoigny  06 66 23 27 72

La Fertoise

President : Eric LE BORGNE
07 88 46 51 85 / 02 43 08 09 65
Website :


Tourist Office – 11 rue de la Victoire 61600 La Ferté-Macé  02 33 37 10 97
Café/ Bar Le Riviera – 2 route de Bagnoles 61600 La Ferté-Macé  02 33 37 18 89
Bar de la gare – avenue thiers 61600 La Ferté-Macé (uniquement étangs, ouvert le dimanche)
Épicerie « Le Sylvagérien » – 14 place de l’Église 61600 La Sauvagère  02 33 37 17 95

The Noireau Valley

President : Jérôme DELAUNAY
06 28 68 42 76 / 02 50 49 98 81


Boulangerie – Le Bourg 61430 Berjou  02 33 66 42 29

Find all the information you need about fishing in the Orne on the website of the Orne Federation for Fishing and the Protection of the Aquatic Environment.