Etang de la Queue d’Aronde

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Etang de la Queue d’Aronde – Athis de l’Orne

The lake and surrounding land together cover 4 hectares. The lake is known as ‘Queue d’Aronde’ because its shape resembles the tail (‘queue’ in French) of a sparrow that older generations in France once called ‘aronde’.
It covers a surface area of 5.52 hectares. The Corteille (small tributary of the Lembron) passes through this lake at the entrance to the town centre, on the road that leads to Sainte-Honorine-la-Chardonne, opposite Meunier Velay woods.
This body of water is a ‘category 1’ lake. It is used exclusively for fishing: trout are released every Friday evening, roach, tench, carp and eel fishing. The geographic location provides the ideal setting for visitors, to relax, get together and for walks. On-site: fishing, children’s play area, fitness trail, picnic tables, walks.